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Adult Formation

The Adult Forum meets from 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM in the Fellowship Hall

Current Topic: "Sunday's Gospel"

A shared discussion and in depth study on the current Sunday Gospel lesson. The lesson is lead by one of the clergy, with discussion and interaction with those attending. Youth are invited also to attend.  Here is a link to find the Gospel for the current week.

Inquirer's Class:

  •  The Inquirer's class addresses the development of faith, prayer, worship, and church polity, history from the time of Jesus to the present.

  •  This class is offered yearly.

  •  This class is a thorough introduction to the faith and practice of the Episcopal tradition.

  •  The Inquirers' Class is also used as preparation for Baptism, Confirmation, or Reception

  •   We meet at times convenient for the students, clergy and teachers.

Mailing Address:

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
1112 Alcoa Road

Benton Arkansas 72015
Phone: (501) 776-4176

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