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Welcome to St. Matthew's Episcopal Church

Need the latest news about what is going on at St. Matthew's...Check out our Blog that can be accessed at the top of the page!

Check out our Blog at the top for the latest news at St. Matthew's.   Also check our calendar

 link at the top of the page to see what is happening each month!  

St. Matthew's Worship Opportunities

Sunday Morning Worship (Holy Eucharist*)
8:30 AM and 11:00 AM  In Person and on YouTube Live!

Sunday Adult Formation at 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM.

Compline Sunday Evening at 7pm on Zoom and Facebook live.

Wednesday Morning Prayer 8:00 AM online on Zoom and Facebook Live. 

Check the newsletter in the Blog for details.

St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
1112 Alcoa Road
Benton Arkansas 72015

Phone: (501) 776-4176


A Message from our Former Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry

"Let us build a house where love can dwell and all can safely live, a place where saints and children tell how hearts learn to forgive; built of hopes and dreams and visions, rock of faith and vault of grace; here the love of Christ shall end divisions: All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.”

Bishop Michael Curry Video - "The Jesus Movement" -

Latest News!

Online Giving: At St. Matthew’s you can give online, to pay your pledge or to donate to special causes as they arise. Here is the link to do that!


Vicar, The Rev Jay Bruno

Prayer Requests: We have a prayer list that you can add someone’s name to if you desire us to pray for them.  Call or email to make that happen.


The list is read in both Sunday services during the prayers.  Other names can be added at that time.

Our Facebook Page: We stream our Sunday services on YouTube Live, and post it on Facebook later.  

Our Wednesday service of Morning Prayer is streamed on zoom and Facebook live.  Our weekly newsletter is posted there on Thursdays also!

Kroger Community Rewards: Sign up with your Kroger Plus card account at Search for Community Rewards and enter code VM325 or "St. Matthew's Episcopal Church." 5% of your purchases will be donated to St. Matthew's.

Our Youtube Channel: You can find our Youtube channel by following this link:

Click on the "Live" button to see latest services.

There you can find past videos of Morning Prayer and other services.  

We are an Episcopal church community seeking to live daily with Christ.

We are old and young, and in between. We gather for fellowship, and learning for all ages. We are active in our community and local outreach. As an Easter people year long, we seek and share God in our daily lives transforming this world into God's kingdom on earth. Come open the doors and see for yourself!

Our services are livestreamed on Facebook live:

To make an appointment with Father Jay: or Email him.

St. Matthew’s is holding in-person Sunday services. We are worshipping at 8:30 am and 11:00 am central.

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